The Sabha successfully conducted one National Conference in 2006 and five International Conferences in the years 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020 with National and International participants in large numbers. The proposed National Conference is being scheduled from 25th to 29th January 2025 along with the Sabha’s Annual Music and Dance Festival. The venue will be Sabha’s Cultural Complex “Purandara Bhavana”.

Conference Format
Key Note Lecture
Invited Talks
Paper presentation (of papers accepted by the Expert Committee)
Panel Discussion

List of Topics for Paper Submissions
Topic Code            Title
    01                           Folk Influence on Karnatak (Karnatic) Classical Music System
    02                           Folk Influence on the rAGa-s
    03                           Folk Influence on the tAla-s
    04                           Folk influence on the Lyrics
    05                           Folk influence on the Gharana-s in Hindustani Classical Music System
    06                           Folk Influence on the forms of Compositions
    07                           Folk influence in Indian Classical Dance forms
    08                           Folk Literature and classical Dances
    09                           Folklore influence in Dance
    10                           Reflections of folk AhArya on classical dances

Paper Submission
Scholars, Academicians, Researches, Musicologists, Practising Musicians, Critics, Connoisseurs and Students may submit their paper in the following format in English only.

  • A two page (A4 size) extended abstract giving a short and focused title. Author/s Name, Affiliations, Address for communication including Phone Nos/ Mobile Nos and Email Address. The text of the abstract should include a brief introduction, scope, brief details, conclusion and reference, if any, neatly typed in 1.5 line spacing. Authors also may specifically indicate the Topic Code (refer under Topics for papers) under which the paper is submitted.

  • Authors submitting the papers are requested to fill the Registration Form. There is no Registration fee.
Last date for submission of Abstract: 30th September 2024

Paper Acceptance
All the papers submitted for the conference will be evaluated by a Panel of Expertise. Those recommended for presenting in the Conference will be accommodated in the appropriate sessions.

Paper Presentations
Author will be given 45 Minutes for presenting his / her Paper and 10 minutes will be allotted for discussions
All Authors presenting papers are strictly advised to adhere to 45 Minutes limit, Power Point Projections facility will be available
Authors are encouraged to present live demonstration or recorded demonstration if they choose
Accepted papers will be communicated to the corresponding authors before 31st October 2024


  1. Registration is Free
  2. Life Members of the Sabha desirous of attending the Conference are requested to fill the Registration form indicating their respective Life Member Number
  3. Scholars, Academicians, Researchers, Musicologists, Practicing Musicians. Critics, Connoisseurs and Students desirous attending the Conference are requested to register using the registration form and send to the Sabha’s address along with a copy of their Aadhar or any other recognised ID
  4. Students of the Sabha’s School of Performing Arts who wants to attend also should register indicating their School ID No and Faculty / Teacher

All the abstracts of accepted papers for presentation will be brought out as ‘Book of Abstracts’

Annual Music and Dance Festival 2025
The Sabha’s Annual music and Dance Festival 2025 will also be held concurrently with the Conference. The Purandara Awards 2025 will also be conferred at the inaugural function of the Conference on 24th January 2025 at 4.30 PM

Sponsorships for the Conference & Festival
Sponsor           -       Rs.1 Lakh or Above
Co-Sponsor    -       Rs.50,000 or Above
Donor               -       Rs.10,000 or Above

Sponsorship Amounts are Tax Exempt under 80 ( G ) of Income Tax Act